I'm very naturally dominant. I'm also very energetic and talk a lot. This is not always a good thing. I've got a bad tendency to change subjects. I lack the ability to feign interest in stuff I don't care about. All this stuff that is vitally important for relationships in the workplace. But most people are submissive, and I'm funny so most people I work with like me a lot, but occasionally some hate my guts. Everybody has an opinion. This is a problem.

I'm well aware of my intrusive personality I have, and I do everything I can to keep it in check. Having some people hate me, can have really bad career implications. Being liked is good, but getting contracts has a lot more to do with track record. Being boring and good, is by far the most successful traits.

It's not like I'm trying to be like this. I have to battle competitive people all the time. Problem is that I'm not competing. I really don't care if I'm the most popular guy at the office. I've got my wife/slave. She fills that need. So I always yield when ever I get "challenged" at work. I think that annoys some people even more.

I work as an IT-consultant so I deal with a lot of people every day, and every move I make is judged, evaluated and charged to somebody.

My question is to other dominants. How do you manage your domliness? Is it even a problem? Is there jobs where it is handy?

I'm just so sick of people feeling threatened by me. I'm a weedle weedle pussy cat. And at work I'm only here to do a job. I'm not much of a career guy. I'm happy with my station in life now. So nobody has any reason to feel threatened.