Figging (the use of ginger root) is most often used in anal play sometimes as a form of torture. Although not extreme, it can cause some intense and very pleasurable sensations, although when used for an extended period of time can also produce a fair amount of discomfort. Test for any possible allergic reaction first.
Surprisingly, although people often use spices and food in play there are many that have never heard of the term figging. Often people do not want to take the time to prepare the ginger and use other preparations such as heat ointments and powdered spices I have found that although those can be fun to experiment with, they do not have quite the same effect.
Fresh gingerroot (known as hands) are usually available at most supermarkets and greengrocers. The reason they are known as hands is because (I'm sure you can guess) they are shaped pretty much like hands, with stems sprouting from the base of a similar shape to fingers.
It is the fingers that are used during play. Unfortunately many supermarkets now prepare the fingers for convenience before packaging. Do not be tempted to use the prepared fingers they are too small to be used safely.
You can store the hand in a cool dry place but it will lose a lot of its effect if not used quickly. Cut a finger from the hand making sure to leave some of the root on unless the finger is very large. Peel off all of the skin, cut off and smooth any lumps and knots taking care not to remove too much of the ginger underneath, wash in cold water to ensure no skin is remaining.
With your knife taper the finger making sure the tip is rounded, and leave a small circle around the bottom so it is shaped somewhat like a butt plug. Don't use lubricant on the finger it should easily slide inside the submissives anus (Lubricants prevent most of the juice of the ginger from seeping out). Leave the finger in place, the ring at the bottom will stop it from disappearing inside. He/she may feel a gradual build up of a tingling sensation to begin with, but it takes about five to ten minutes to really kick in, and it can give quite a kick!
The ginger will continue its work for around 15 minutes before it quickly looses its potency. Have the submissive clench his/her muscles tightly this will cause a more intense burning sensation it is a very powerful aphrodisiac especially if rubbed or placed on a bottoms clit and will soon have her squirming around moaning and begging for release. This can be an excellent time to fetch cum denial into play.
For the male submissive it is great for CBT (cock and ball torture) Slice a thin piece about a ¼ of an inch in width and around 1 inch in length. Slowly and gently insert the finger into his urethra making sure to leave enough sticking out so it can be removed quickly and easily. He will react immediately the burning is much more intense inside the penis. You may find you need to remove it fairly quickly and allow him a minute or so to rest. Once removed the burning will quickly subside.
If used during physical punishment it also has the added benefit of preventing the submissive from clenching his/hers buttocks. Take care not to touch the eyes with your hands, if this should accidentally occur rinse immediately with cold water.
The ginger is even more affective if left to ripen for a while, keep any unused hands in a sealed bag and place in the coolest section of the refrigerator. After a good few days or preferably longer take a look,if there is moisture in the bag then its ready for playtime again only this time the reaction will be even greater. If the ginger root has turned brown and there is any mould present don't worry it is not harmful. The longer the ginger is left to ripen the more potent it becomes,once it starts to become mushy throw it away and get yourself back to the supermarket.
enjoy! it really is hot stuff