Hi, all... this is my first post here, so allow me to introduce myself. I'd like to first take a moment to say that I am not comfortable with sharing my full name/personal information just yet, so at this moment I'd like to just be called Sophia*. I am a 20 year old, straight, female submissive. I live in the U.S., North East to be more specific, but that's as much as I will share as far as my location is concerned. I am a full time college student, in my third year, though I still live at home with my parents. I am brunette, with brown eyes, and olive white skin. I stand about 5'3" tall, and I am also slightly over-weight and extremely self-conscious when it comes to my appearance. Last but not least, I am a virgin, and have no plans to change that status until I am married. My family is very old-fashioned, and have strong opinions about sex, and I'm sure they would about this sort of lifestyle as well if they knew about it. They have no idea about my personal fantasies, and are a huge part of the reason why I feel the need to be very protective of my privacy right now. I hope you will all understand and be patient with me. Regardless, I'm here hoping for more of a learning experience... about the BDSM culture, and perhaps even about myself. I'm not in search of a Dom, at least not any time soon.

I'm not sure when I first developed a kinky/submissive side... and I wasn't conscious of the fact until I was about 14, but even before that subconsciously, I'd say at around 5 or 6 years years old. Me and my next door neighbor used to play 'tie up' games, where one of us would be the kidnapper, and we used jump rope to tie the other's hands up. I think that's pretty self-explanatory. Then still subconsciously, my first orgasm was accidental... I had a habit of sticking things inside my underwear.. any thing lying around the house that I knew would be of no use to anyone (something clean/safe of course). For some reason it excited me, knowing that it was there while nobody else did. I didn't understand what exactly had happened when I experienced my very first orgasm. I didn't even know what an orgasm was at the time or that there was an official name for it. It was extremely new to me, but exciting nonetheless and I knew I wanted to feel it again.

I didn't know that there was a name for masturbation at the time either. Not until I was around 14, did I first start learning about sex (I grew up in a 'box', so to speak, up until that point -- I lived a very sheltered life, thanks to my very authoritarian parents). When I first learned about male masturbation in sex ed, it didn't take me long to realize that it could apply to females as well... I was shocked. Up until that time, I was convinced that there was something very wrong with me. That I was the only one... that there was no way what I was doing could be considered normal... universal even. I looked at many on-line forums and eventually discovered the world of BDSM. I was immediately intrigued by it... everything about it, and I knew right then I was a natural submissive... maybe even slightly masochist as well.

My submissive nature is a secret to all but me, and now all of you. My family, nor my friends, have any idea. I put on a feminist front around everyone who knows me, but deep down I know it really is just an act... a cover I should say. However, despite all this, I am still a very committed in my plans to postpone sex until marriage. I'm hoping one day in the future I will find a husband with a dominant nature, so that he can tend to my submissive needs. Until then, the fantasies will need to remain as such. I'd like to request that nobody asks me to share any personal information, such as my full name and/or photo... I'm not very keen on giving out such personal content unless I feel like I can truly trust someone, on a personal level. Maybe further down the road, but most likely not anytime soon (but never any nude photos, I'm sorry to say).

Furthermore, I am also a very skilled creative writer/role player, though not of an erotic nature. I've role played on a PG-13 level (fictional) for many years now, and am very experienced with Para/Novella RP'ing, but I've also read many full length BDSM stories at this website over the last several years and feel like I'm ready to try something new. I'm not exactly sure how it would work at this level, or if I would be even remotely good at it at first, but I am more than willing to learn. I can't promise my time won't be severely limited though, because as previously mentioned, I do still live in my parents home, and with my two younger sisters. I don't have a lot of privacy or personal space, despite the fact that I have my own room. But I shall try to make due with what I have. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends, especially ones who I can relate to personally. If anyone is coming from a similar experience/situation as mine, I'd love to hear from you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Looking forward to getting to know you all soon.