Venom, thank you sooo much for taking the time to read and critique this!

I've been writing for five years, but my experience is completely screenplay and sketch based. This is my first attempt at long narrative (erotic or normal) and I was quite nervous! I tried it on a whim, believing I could out do a lot of the garbage posted, and instantly regretted submitting it. However, you managed to help my confidence, give great constructive notes, and not even mention what a filthy pervert I am.

I really like the idea of subtly hiding the physical description of Margo throughout the story. I was trying to do that with her wardrobe, but it never even occurred to do it with her appearance as well. I just did the one long paragraph because I've seen a lot of stories do that, but if everyone jumped off a cliff blah blah blah....

I'm going to remove the thugs names. Might be scarier to keep it locked in Margo's perspective and they might not even use names around her.

Unfortunately, I sent this rough version in to the site before posting here! I definitely will post all future chapters here first.

Random question: Does each chapter have to be 10,000 characters or just the first one? Wasn't sure if that was standard or just a method to reject paragraph long stories (which somehow still get approved).

Thanks again!