So my parents and family keep asking me about my love life, relationships, and all that good stuff. They have no idea about my BDSM life style or even that I'm bisexual and enjoy men as well. My parents are "molly Mormons" (Mormons who follow the rules and beliefs with undying passion and commitment) and judgmental outside their group and BDSM is not heard of in their world, homosexuality in itself is the 7th deadliest sin according to Mormonism and gays are banished to Hell.
I worry that if I tell them then I will be shunt from the family and my lack of openness about my relationships brings worry and problems.. I've thought about maybe explaining BDSM without the mentioning of men, even so they will still perceive it as "demonic" and give me the cold shoulder....
Any suggestions about how to approach coming out? Or even some general advice..