Middle of the night
I cannot sleep.
My mind will not turn off;
my brain will not cease to be.
I only want to slumber
through these next few hours.
Why can’t I just close my eyes
and fall away from here?
Please, stop thinking,
stop rambling in my head.
Just let me go to sleep.
This is all that I am asking
…do I have to beg and plead?
Would you just give in, mind,
and let the night’s shade win
for my head is wanting to rest
against this pillow on my bed.
My head is hung low,
my knees pressed against the floor.
Why are you so stubborn,
what do you keep me up for?
I just want to be asleep
off in a far distant land of rest.
Mind, won’t you just give in
and be one of slumber’s guests?

Day 4 with no sleep....... i think im losing it here Insomnia have a little mercy please