Quote Originally Posted by Thorne View Post
That's the great thing about science, though. The more we learn, the better our understanding of reality. Given the equipment (or lack of it) that scientists had to use, their observations were logical. Later study proved them wrong, so they revised their hypothesis. It was the conservative elements, mostly the Church, which resisted the reality.

The same holds true now. Maybe the numbers aren't correct, quite. Maybe this is a statistical anomaly. The thing is, though, that ALL of the numbers indicate that Global Warming is occurring, and most of the numbers show that mankind is playing a significant role. The only thing the deniers have to offer is their constant harping over repeatedly debunked claims. They have no evidence that the scientists are mistaken, or are misinterpreting. They only deny because of their "feelings". Led, again, by the conservatives for political reasons (big oil, anyone?) and by fundamentalists who don't believe their god will let them down.
The global warming fanatics claim accuracies of detail far beyond any possibility of verification. Perhaps 1.5 degrees celsius of warming has occurred. Claims of accuracies to within 1/10 of a degree are ludicrous. Instrumentation to consistently deliver such accuracies have only been available in the last 70 years; reading them with such accuracy by thousands of individuals over such a time is impossible. Accurately reading a thermometer to 1/10th of a degree in a range from 0-120 degrees would require thermometers in excess of 48". Every reading must be made precisely from the same angle. Calibrations must be confirmed. Readings within 5 degrees from tree core samples in one location of the Earth? Even considering such as accurate "data" confounds belief. And we are supposed to disrupt our entire economy over this? Greenland was once much warmer than it is now, as was Europe and the UK. There is ample evidence of a very slight increase in temperature; there is little verifiable evidence that it is beyond normal planetary fluctuations nor that the activities of men have enough to add to it that we should throw our country away. There has been no verification of any data, no corroboration by public organizations. Only conjecture by organizations with huge amounts of money being thrown at them to "prove" a theory that funds the panic industry. To top it off,when the light of disclosure was shined on the instigators and the raw data was demanded the response was "it was accidentally deleted". File cabinets of manual records? Deleted? Follow the money. This isn't "feelings". Interpolations and averages do not deliver such precise measurements and the fraud demonstrated repeatedly in the "global warming" industry is enough to make anyone skeptical. Junk science is still junk. Consensus is NOT science; it is conjecture. Only the same results can be demonstrated by independent analysis can anything approaching science be considered.