"They have no evidence that the scientists are mistaken, or are misinterpreting."
The penultimate data used is the data set from East Anglia. The original data is not available. The data set is from a very limited pool. Both of these call the data itself into question. The hockey stick graph has been evaluated to determine it is just as likely that CO2 is following the increase in temp as the other way 'round.
Be advised I have never claimed the world was not warming. But there is also evidence that the world itself is cooling, has been for much of a decade.
So the question remains; What is really happening?

Quote Originally Posted by Thorne View Post
That's the great thing about science, though. The more we learn, the better our understanding of reality. Given the equipment (or lack of it) that scientists had to use, their observations were logical. Later study proved them wrong, so they revised their hypothesis. It was the conservative elements, mostly the Church, which resisted the reality.

The same holds true now. Maybe the numbers aren't correct, quite. Maybe this is a statistical anomaly. The thing is, though, that ALL of the numbers indicate that Global Warming is occurring, and most of the numbers show that mankind is playing a significant role. The only thing the deniers have to offer is their constant harping over repeatedly debunked claims. They have no evidence that the scientists are mistaken, or are misinterpreting. They only deny because of their "feelings". Led, again, by the conservatives for political reasons (big oil, anyone?) and by fundamentalists who don't believe their god will let them down.