Greetings people of the net.

I am searching for a partner, a submissive partner to be precise. A slave, a toy I can tease and play with, a doll I can dress up and send out into the world as I see fit.

If you read that and are still intrigued, please read on.

Personally I do have few years experience in the lifestyle and kinks I’ve enjoyed that I’ll be looking to continue with are bondage, Wardrobe control, Orgasm control, public play(out of sight(unless wanted)), medium humiliation, medium pain(won't draw blood), and the list goes on, yada yada yada.

Self exploration is actually a big one for me, I believe you can never stop learning more about yourself, so a slight open mind is highly preferred.

Now what I’m looking for in a slave/submissive. First off some form of personality is required. If my ears are filled with nothing but monotone “Yes sirs” back to back with no other interaction, it wont work. I need to know you’re alive and not just pressing copy and paste or have a microphone on repeat =p. so please no one that believes those 2 words are the only things allowed out of their mouth. The cliche slave of eyes always down “yes sir” is boring for me. I need someone playful and perhaps with a bit of a devious side...or shy side. I like shy too (:

Secondly, visual interaction. I’ve tried just text relationships, and honestly they don’t do much for me. Though if you have a beyond amazing energetic personality, I can probably manage just text, but in all honesty. I would like to at least see who you are once as trust develops, and as it develops further perhaps more. It’s not something I’ll demand up front or at all. I don’t believe that’s something that can be demanded by a dominant, I believe the trust to receive that must be earned, but I will be asking about it.

Third, must be female. So to all guys looking to message me, sorry but I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere.

Forth, experience is irrelevant. Whether your curiosity just peaked and you’re looking to get a bit of knowledge and experience to see if this lifestyle is for you, or if you have many years worth. It does not matter to me.

Fifth, please, please be open to communication. If this is purely online relationship, then our written communication is all I have to go off of. So if you're hiding things you don't like or if you're hiding things you do like for fear of embarrassment, I will never know unless you tell me as I have no visual communication to go off of(unless we do cam but even that's very limited visually) I'll be more than happy to help those that are shy about communicating.

I will help you grow, but only if you are willing to grow with me.

And finally for those interested I present you with my laundry list of ways to contact me

Yahoo- masterkink68

I’m pretty easy to get a hold of and will answer back promptly.

Thanks for your time, and look forward to any and all replies.
