there is no time ... time is something we've created to measure the years we live cause we are scared of death .and we think death is the end .
so no there is no such thing as time . we separate day from the night , we separate our hours in a day . we think those are different because we are doing something different .

I think death is just a beginning . I believe we all are one . in different bodies . but our souls are pieces of a big puzzle one united ball of energy called Universe.
not just us humans we all are one as In the Universe and we are one we all are part of it . we are universe in a shape of a human when we die we dont actually die we go back to our basic form . we reunited with what were were once . and I think our souls keep coming back until they are complete . until they learned that everything is nothing ...

As for what started the Universe .... I dotn think anyone knows but I have myh own theory that The Universe is unlimited there is no end nor no start to it . It always have been here and always will be . I know believing this theory is hard cause we have a tendency to find things starts and ends because out minds are limited its trapped in a bone shaped skull . we know there are other planets except for ours but what happens to them do they stop existing after a certain point > then after that what will it just be space ? still space is something so you know what I mean when I say Unlimited ?