I read this article weveral times, and I am not sure I get it..It sounds like the state can decide 1) what kind of insurance private firms can sell and 2) what the schools should teach.

Wisconsin Votes For Abstinence-Only Education, Against Insurance Covering Abortions

Early Wednesday morning Wisconsin lawmakers voted to overturn the Health Youth Act and to ban private insurance plans from covering abortion. And so the war on women marches on.

The Healthy Youth Act required that all sexual education classes taught in Wisconsin schools be medically-accurate, age appropriate, and use evidence-based strategies to reduce teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Instead, Wisconsin youth will be subject to abstinence-only or abstinence-centered sex education and will require schools apply for federal funds for abstinence programming.

The insurance ban passed will eliminate coverage for abortion services in Wisconsin even if a woman is using her own dollars to buy private insurance. The insurance ban will affect private insurance plans operating in the state exchange set up under the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans in the state insist these measures are not designed to punish women but instead re-assert “local control” over such things as insurance plans and sex education. So much like “states rights” is code for resisting desegregation and affirmative action, “local control” is now code for embracing a theocratic approach to statewide governance.
