Interesting fact I read, since this discussion began. Well I say "fact" but then again, most history is written by winners!!

Anyway, if Im wrong please direct me. I read that "Easter is "NOT a christian celebration after all!! It was indoctrinated during the rule of Augustus, for fear of a
Christian uprising! During his rule it was found that there were more "christians" than romans, sending worry amongst the high officials.

Under the Jewish calender. Nissan 14, so its called. falls before the celebration of what was known as "eastradom??!" which was pagan festival to the goddess of fertility. [thats why we have the easter bunny and chocolate eggs] all symbols of fertilisation.

So in order to pacify the people, roman beliefs were mixed in with christian beliefs in order to keep a status quo.

So am I right in believing that in those times, the "Christian Faith" was looked on as a left wing "terrorist organisation" considering it was set up after Jesus was executed?? These people were hated by the Jewish leaders and Romans, like today I suppose. With any organisation being frowned on because of indifference!
i.e. us for example!! A lot of people believe that anyone involved with "bdsm" are "not" normal or "perverted" as such. Does that make sense?

Like most readings it is up to interpretation. BUT! I cant understand why people dissect so called holy books, when its written in plain english for anyone to read! If you are a "christian" then should you not believe everything written down in the bible?
People like William Tindell, were burnt at the stake for translating the bible from latin to english! Yet we as a whole rip it to pieces, just because it doesnt fit in with what we want to believe! Strange really!!!

Funny old thing religion!!!!

But thanks for letting me get involved in this topic!! I love you guys!!!