The silence was deafening.
She didn't know which way to turn.
Not that it mattered in this cramped dirty hole.

She was there today because she had been bad.
Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were puffy and red.
Bits of dust and fluff stuck to the fresh welts and bruises on her bottom and thighs making the humiliation much worse.

The punishment was effective because it was almost like being buried alive.

He could keep her down here forever- the thought both excited and terrified her as she tried to uncurl her long body into a slightly more comfortable position, the gag seemed to bleed all the moisture from her mouth into the soil below. Her golden hair clung to the sweat on her face and back. Her naked body heaved to take in the thick, musty air.

Down there in the dark she was alone in her thoughts.
Deep, dark, erotic thoughts.
The sharp blade against a pale thin neck, the smell of a gloved latex hand encircling her mouth while she lay asleep in her bed.
Being taken. That was what she had wished for all those nights alone in bed spent frigging herself.