Hi Ian! Yes, it is good to be back

Yeah, I have no idea how they find these things out (or even if they just make it up... or create the sites themselves so they can 'find them' and 'prove' the internet is full of child porn - I know how the media 'researches' even normal news, they sometimes pay people to say stuff they want to report). The major issue is that such a move would in fact move child porn even deeper underground making it even harder to police than it is now...

Louise, definitely. You cannot police it effectively at all, especially when you have to consider that the internet is worldwide, most of the sites they are talking about are international, and there is no current international best practise or legal framework to cover the internet. Which means what is legal in some countries is illegal in others and that creates all sorts of issues... and the issue of 'banning a link because there is possibly a possibility of a vague hint of maybe some rape or illegal porn in it' leads to other issues of censorship. Don't like a site's opinion on the current government? Oh look, there seems to be a link to a site which once had some child porn on it. What do you mean its a photo of the writer's kids on the beach 20 years ago? Pah, that's child porn... blocked.

Seriously, I have heard tales of museums who have been asked to take down photos of children in Victorian bathing costumes because they were 'child porn'. Bearing in mind these bathing costumes were more substantial than most kids wear in winter these days and the 'children' in question are currently either long dead or well past their century in age... it is ludicrous.