Summary of Discussion on August 16th

The topic tonight was transitioning from online to real time and the first meeting, play safety rules/suggestions and how did those attending the discussion go about it.

It was generally agreed a responsible third party should be involved, one that was aware of the meet, time and location. Although some discussion regarding who this person could be commenced. The need for privacy, family friends so who to trust was a consideration.
The availability of safe arrival, by bus or taxi as opposed to an identifiable car registration. Locality did concern many, from a munch, to a restaurant, a shopping mall. Many suggestions pro’s cons of above were discussed.

Honest communication and timing through lengthy o/l discussion or telephone was considered a strong factor prior to a r/l meeting. Conflicting view points were raised on the sharing of photographs, cam or Skype. Some found this favorable others did not, it was agreed this is a self determined decision.
Instinct showed strongly throughout the discussion, if in doubt do not go. Failed or cancelled calls also considered. The honesty of the person you were intending to meet, were they all they seemed to be.

The actual meet once determined, many agreed that sharing actual personal information played a strong part, beit a copy of the drivers licence, evidence of the address, work and personal details. Background checks can be taken at a small cost. The discussion group in general concluded that this information should be readily available if declined then a concern should be considered for both Dom/me and sub. However, consideration that others would feel unhappy to disclose such personal detail could be a concern to some.

Meeting r/l from distance was also discussed, how to overcome the time apart and ensure the safety through the first meet given geographical restraints. Some experiences were shared through the discussion how this worked or in some cases failed. Cost restraints, dishonestly and fear can and do restrict such a relationship from success.

Overall total honesty, true communication, time and love coupled with sensible precautions are as summarised within the discussion.
Miss Sett {Kuve} & Miss Red