What is ddlg?

Many people are confused by what the Daddy Dom/little girl dynamic is. Some think it’s incest. Some think it’s the same thing as BDSM. Some think it’s pedophilia. None of these are correct.

Everyone’s dynamic is different, however. Some Daddy’s and littles are non-sexual, others are sexual, but in a vanilla sense, some Daddy’s and littles are sexual in extreme BDSM ways; the list could go on and on. So I’m not going to try to define specifically what dd/lg is, because the spectrum is just too wide. What I will do is define what a Daddy is, and what a little is in general.

A Daddy is

Someone completely unrelated to their little

loving, caring, and nurturing of their little
someone trustworthy to the little, and worth the littles’ trust
watchful of his littles’ subtle signs during scenes or in day-to-day life
someone open-minded to little space, or bondage, depending upon he&&his littles’ dynamic

A Little is

a consenting adult, of age 18 or older
an adult who can manage her life on her own, but prefers to have Daddy’s help a little, some, or all of the time
one who enjoys being taken care of and nurtured by Daddy whenever possible
one who sometimes acts childlike or goes into little space
DDlg, to me, is a relationship about trust, love, and innocence. A little girl can be just like any normal, hardworking, stressed out, mature adult, but when she is alone with her Daddy, her Guardian and Protector, Knight in Shining Armor, her Prince and her King, does she drop the cares of the world and reveal to him the small, carefully guarded innocence that was forced out of her as she grew up. It is the desire for playful tickle times, long cuddles, tender looks, and the overwhelming desire to make him proud.
As a Daddy Dom, he essentially takes up a sword and a shield and defends her from all of her nightmares, supporting the outer shell that has become the older woman, who has experienced an immeasurable amount of heartbreak and has hardened because of it, but when they are alone he is also the teacher, allowing her to return deeply to her roots and find that small sliver of childlike happiness. He encourages her to enjoy the excitement over small things and activities that others might frown upon. When necessary, he understands the things that hurt her and he catches her by the waist before she accidentally falls. For those times that he isn’t there to catch her when she gets hurt, he is there with open arms to comfort her and tell her it is okay, that she will be okay, and to help her feel better he will put a colorful band-aid over her owwie and kiss it better, because he understands that is what she needs.
In short, it is about exploring the dual feelings of innocence and wanting to protect/be protected. You could say a Daddy Dom shows a far greater concern for her wellbeing than a normal relationship may have. On one hand, he yearns to protect someone and have them look up at him with complete trust and comfort, and on the other hand, she yearns for someone to protect her and understand all of her weaknesses and strengths in ways that she couldn’t even put to words.
Out of all of this, the most important thing to remember is that it is between two consenting ADULTS.


Other notes:

Even with a DD/lg relationship it can be with two females, two males, or male and female.

Also: If you're not comfortable with calling your partner Daddy, that's fine too, it's just a term of endearment when it comes to me

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me.