I find again and again that while Iīm really good at worldbuilding, my plots suck! big time. I read and write, among other things, a lot of fantasy/scifi. sometimes with a twist towards bdsm but not necessarily so.
I think that my worlds are believable and well constructed. I never loose sight of the foundation I built and usually get a good review from those I let read the first chapters.
Also if something happens to my main character Iīm mostly satisfied with the description of a certain event but I always end up having troubles with the plot... to integrate the sigle scenes into a larger whole instead of a series of events.

e.g. Ipresent my heroine, how she became the person she is, what her onlook to the world is, her motivation.
I describe her meeting and interaction with the male hero and from that point on everything deteriorates. I know what i want to happen between the people I introduce, i know if i want to have a good/ bad / twisted/ open ending and i usually know what I want it to be.. but Iīm never able to fill the << in between>>. Either I donīt move the plot forward at all and get lost in a sigle scene or I jump from one point to the next and when reading the text, there seems to be a part of the story missing, you wonder how I came from one situation to the next...grr.. really frustrating

Do you know this? do you have the same problem? how do you deal with it?
Or is it the other way round and you are spinning the tale but the people seem unrealistic because their inner workings are missing?
Or have you caught yourself writing something contrary to something earlier in your story?
