Quote Originally Posted by thir View Post
But how do you create liberty? It will not come of its own. To turn around the present state of affairs in many countries, I think you very badly need to rule the banks and tame run-away and irresponsible money people. And that is difficult. The first attempt in EU was a gesture, not a serious attempt at change, as I understood it.

You need to educate all your population, and sometimes you need to start job-making initiatives by the government. Your government really needs to be for the people, meaning for all the nation.
Well when the people in government are all bought and paid for by the richest 1% you get what we have in so many nations not just the usa. All governments imho should be for their people...not just the rich people but all the people.

Once the people catch on to the bs being spouted by the media and politicians (regardless of political afiliation in the usa since both sides seem to work for big buisness despite their rehtoric) on behalf of their corporate backers and things become bad enough you get just riots and overthrow of said governments.