Yup im not a woman, so I dont have direct experience of it. I agree people need to be less obnoxious and sleazy.

I disagree, people know what is wrong, someone hacking mock rape into a game is not going to convince anyine of it being ok. The act of recording it is something else entirely. This crosses over into your third point. The most viewed videos on youtube are gaming videos, predominantly funny and silly clips or what are termed "Let's Plays". So funny video game clips are very common, sharing footage of a hacker in game is pretty common too.

Quite honestly I dont, on one hand you have a very serious and worrying rape case and the other hand you have a clip of someone hacking a video game about comitting crime to put people into compromising in game situations is definitely not something I see a link to. Definitely not what how you are linking the two together. In the video game clips the person is not being harrassed into comitting suicide or being hounded across social networks.

But I wonder what you can understand what I say? That so much painful harassment is considered silly pranks or more or less harmless by the people doing it?
I dont understand your point here, this is not actual harassment, this is a game.

I have explained to you repeatedly what is similar. If you do not want to see it, there is nothing more I can say other than you do now want to, because it is glaringly obvious.
If it is glaringly obvious why has no one else drawn the same conclusions you have? There us literally nothing similar, one is a actual violation of someone and a disgusting hounding of a victim, the other is a silly 3 minute clip from an online game. Again I do not see how you are connecting them.

Sigh. I never said it did.
My apologies, I thought that is what you were aluding to. However my original point stands it is humerous because it is taking place in a game.