Quote Originally Posted by thir View Post
I do not think it possible for ordinary people to rise up against terrorist - we wouldn't be able to do that either.
I think good people can do a lot more than you give them credit for. And 'rising up' doesn't have to involve violence. Let the two factions perpetrate the violence against one another. Meanwhile, good people condemn their actions, condemn those who support their actions, ridicule those who promote those actions. It's mostly a matter of letting other people know that they are not alone in wanting an end to the terrorism.

While it's not nearly as violent (yet), we see that kind of think happening even now in the US and other places regarding gay marriage. People are laughing at the absurd, violent, religious rhetoric coming from the right wing. By putting their over-the-top idiocy on full public display, good people are causing other good people to see just how ludicrous and bigoted the right has become. When they see supposedly powerful people becoming apoplectic over having their own words broadcast to the world, the good people realize just how evil those others are.

The same can be done for those terrorist groups and the imams who support them! Speak out against them, cut off their funding, ridicule their rhetoric, and before too long they will be relegated to the backwaters of the world, impotent and unimportant. And then hopefully Islam, like so many other religions, can begin its long, slow slide into irrelevancy and obscurity.