This topic seems to divide the waters a lot, especially what constitutes street harassment.

What do you think street harassment is?
Who should define it?
Have you been harassed, or have you harassed anyone?

In my view, harassment is if a person feels it is, if approach makes a person feel threatened or uncomfortable. It varies from person to person. I myself have been followed by a car when walking a street, with people shouting at me, several times. Or people shout from working places or building places.

I also intensely hate being approached with comments on my looks, whether they are meant as compliments for not.
But it is in the situation, like when someone says 'smile' which I also dislike, but the point is if I just shake my head or say 'can't', the man (it is always a man) will either give me one himself, which is fine, or get angry at me, which, in my eyes, constitutes harassment.

What do you think?