The beating finally stopped after Winnie told Daisy "That's enough!" My cock felt like it had been through a meat-grinder and my balls felt swollen. I heard another man screaming, must be John. I didn't see Laura anywhere. Winston, I believe as taken a liking to her, much to the consternation of his wife.

But then I saw the Prince scowling down at me as I was writhing in pain. "What's your real name, asshole?!" I kept silent. "Very well have it your way!"...."Oh and by the way, we've checked on Laura and she indeed has a Masters Degree in Psychology from Iowa State University. Before she goes for her PHD, she took a trip to that country near Russia to study the religious culture in that country. So that part of her story checks out." He then ran his fingers through his thick head of slightly grey hair. "But what bugs me is how is it that both of you were abducted from the same hotel?" Again I kept silent. "You both were then tortured and sold into slavery. A wide grin crossed his face. Now we have you two and that CIA agent we shot down. Obviously since you were wearing that tracking device, John and his cohorts knew exactly where to come to free you two. But your plans backfired!" I remained stoic. "Let me tell you this, if we find a tracking device on Laura, all three of you are toast!" I gulped.

His tirade finished, he looked at his daughter nodded his head. Winnet came into view and put taped an electrical end near where my right nipple was, another one on my left, and yet two more on my pair of gonads, and a last one on the head of my cock. She walked out of sight, but then I felt a jolt of electricity zap my left breast. I stiffened my body as the electirc charge made shake violently. A zap on my other produced the same result. Then a jolt on each nut had me shrieking as my whole body shook. Then the one on my cock blasted me into subspace. I heard Winston. "Increase the voltage! "What is your name, asshole!" Tears were streaming down my face as I screamed my lungs out. "Is Laura also in the CIA?" Then I heard Winnie. "Stop it, you'll kill him!"

Then I heard a loud slap. "Leroy drag the Princess out to the whipping post!" I heard my Mistress's screams wane as the big man did just that.

I was determined not to out Laura and when Winnet turned up the voltage I passed out.