After it seemed like hours Mark was starteld when the door was suddenly opened. Blinded by the light as he saw the stranger walk into the room. The stranger made sure Mark couldnt get a good look at is face but also made sure he saw the gun in his hand to know he meant business. The stranger grabbed Mark by his upper arm and led him into another room that was much larger then the room he was in. Mark was led to the middle of the roomn and forced to his knees. Thinking the stranger was going to kill him right there begged. "Please dont do this. I know it isnt money that you are after. Is there something I can do for you. Like a job or some legal work. Anything you want." Seconds later with out any words..The stranger put his wait on Marks back while he relaesed the cuffd and tied his wrists with a corse rope. He did the same with his ankles then backed way towards the door. That is when Mark heard some sort of motor start to run and tension in the rope around his wrists as he is starting to be lifted off the ground. Mark began to blush a bright red. The stranger pulled down his underwear. which didnt take much as pail as his skin. The odd thing was Marks body betrayed his mind a bit his cock became half hard. The stranger huffed as he started the motor again where he was lifted several feet off the ground.

The longer Mark hung there his shoulders really started to ache and the corse rope dug into his wrists. He had strain to pull himself up to releave some of the pressure. Loosing track of time unsure how long he had been hanging there. He heard the stranger come back but this time could hear there was another voice and it sounded familiar. One by one after some time would pass he would come back with another familiar face. After the last one Mark thinking it was an old college fraternity trick. Mark laughed "Very funny guys. I give up but dont you think this has gone on to far. Can you please let me down now. My shoulder is kidding me. " Who ever it was down there laughed and then they left closing the door behind them. After I while was no longer able to hold the rope to take the wait off my shoulders and just hung there the rope digging into my wrists my shoulders nearly pulled out of socket. Hoping this nightmare will end.