Hi, Jinn. I've run into a couple of annoyances lately, so I'm suggesting some other things for you to put at the end of your "to do" list.

1) When someone writes a reply to a review, could a notice be sent notifying the reviewer? I just checked on a review I wrote a few days ago and was surprised to see that the author had replied to it. I never would have known if I wasn't there on some other matter (this is the first time I've ever gone back to look at one of my reviews -- who knows how many others have been replied to?).

2) When you check a reviewer's list of reviews, could any replies to those reviews be listed in the same place?

3) Could there be a way to search reviewers the same way Forum posters are searched (and preferably using the same options of alphabetical order or by number of reviews)?

Realizing as I do how enormously much free time you have on your hands, the above is respectfully submitted.