Here you go brattyone- this topic has been covered before, but it's something that's often mentioned & I know many of us are in the same boat.

Myself, I'm very happily married to a wonderful sexy woman who I've been with for 18 years- married for 15 of them.

I have my very own girl I've been online with for almost a year now, my sweet lisa. (talking to her as I do this actually)

I've had various online things & plan on meeting 'someone' in a few months for a r/l encounter. A strictly no-sex encounter I might add, & my wife does know- she doesn't know however, that I'll be packing some ropes....

Curious myself to hear of anyone's experiences- please let's not let this be spoilt by 'r/l is better' comments. I think that's what stops many people on forums talking about online relationships.

Is your marriage a happy one? Why do you do it? Would you leave your spouse for your D/s partner? Would you meet them in r/l? Is is cheating?
When does it become cheating?
