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Walking on Water.

Time to Kill

Rating: 1 votes, 1.00 average.
I was in the lunch room in the building where I work the other day, Go figure, I was eating lunch. Anyway, there were a *butt load of magazines on one of the table.

Being bored and lonely (no one wanted to eat with me because I am mean) I grabbed a couple magazines (stole them from fearful co-workers) and sat down to lunch. Upon opening the magazines I learned that they were movie/TV star gossip magazines.

I don't get it. Who the fuck are these people? I never heard of half of these folks. I never heard of half the TV shows or movies these "stars" "perform" in. Half the shows these people "star" in are "reality shows". Even more odd is the fact that some of the "reality show" "stars" get spin-offs for their own shows. What the fuck is that about?

Who is "Real"? What the fuck is a P. Diddy and why didn't any of his friends tell him that was a stupid ass name to go by? J-Lo...my first thought was that a "J-Lo" was a new sort of truck bumper. "Hip Hop" - it's a "culture" now? I guess I must be a member of the "Folk Rock Culture" then - it's groovy, man.

*Butt Load: An undetermined amount of **things that amount to enough to fill a butt.

**Things: Undetermined and un-named ***stuff.

***Stuff: Various undetermined **things.


  1. Pearlgem's Avatar
    Your lexical clarifications are a boon to society in these days of rush and confusion, H Dean. Who has time to think any more about what words mean? For such services, I expect they'll want to devote a glossy magazine to you - 'A Lexical Curmudgeon Pontificates' or maybe 'Butt Load o' Stuff!!'- and there could be spin offs. From now on, practise proffering your best side to the paparazzi every time you nip out for a pint of milk and a packet of fags. We'll love you even though we don't know you and you'll never be alone again!
  2. shayna{L_D}'s Avatar
    "Being bored and lonely (no one wanted to eat with me because I am mean) "

    *shakes my head* LOL


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