Hello. New around here...and to the entire thing in general. Not to the theory or the fantasy but it's the first time I've wandered into the great wide world to see what I could see. My entire purpose actually for finally doing some investigating about the rest of the world is that I'm in a bit of a pickle...and need some advice from those more experienced and wiser than I. I'm a control freak...quite a few hang ups about it in day to day life and being able to give all of it up in a bedroom setting is insanely liberating for me...in fact, I need it rather badly when the going gets rough in other areas of my life. However, I'm married...to a man who's just not got it in him to take control. He's just not made that way. Previously, when it all went down hill and I just needed it badly...he was able to unwittingly deliver because of various reasons that were unique to the time period. AKA, We were different people then. But now that we've been together for longer and I'm the driving force in most other areas of our lives...he's just insanely uncomfortable with the entire notion. It's beginning to eat at me inside though...and I'm completely at a loss on what to do. I can't figure out anything that would satisfy my needs but still be within his comfort zone, so I'm simply throwing myself on the mercy and wisdom of the internet. (I know, not exactly smart but I'm a little desperate for input here.) So, anyone been through this themselves? Anyone have any suggestions? Advice? Anything? Thanks in advance for your time and input.