The Light

Written by: Snowflake

A lost little kitten, in the dark,
a flame barely flickers, a safe mark.
Of a place that she once was safe in,
Is now tiny, as small as a pin.

Once large and bright, it showed the way,
But to see it now, she must pray.
Reality takes over, and dims the light,
Til it almost completely out of sight.

The warmth is gone, from it's bright glow,
if it will come back, she does not know.
She can only hope, and wait in fright,
That it will grow again one night.

So cold, does this place feel now,
To brighten it, she knows not how.
She cries for it, in the dark,
To show her there still is that mark.

Yearning and needing it, beyond belief,
She thought it was sturdy, like a reef.
But just like a reef, the light can die,
without attention or at least a try.

She sees him sitting, by the low light,
The one she longs for, in her sight.
If only your eyes would meet, just once more,
The light could be bright again, and love could soar.
