Sorry for the long wait. I was too busy to post it sooner. I'm not too happy with it. I hope it is acceptable.

Here the assignment:

What I would like you to do next is to write a short passage ( no more than 5 paragraphs but at least 2 paragraphs) describing something you feel passionate about. This does not have to be erotic. I am looking to see both how you use words and the emotion you can put into the piece.

I love football (not american )

Football (or soccer for amricans) is a great game. Especially the girls may ask why, but look around, you will see it is an always spell binding game and really fun to watch. Even beside the field, because often players give mad interviews when they still have the jitters from the game.

Of course you shouldn’t only watch from your couch. Instead you have to visit a game in a stadium too, as you can witness the great atmosphere only live on the spot. Afterwards you will be enthused about that collective expierience.

One last point: Don’t go alone, take a few friends with you. You’ll see it’s a good opportunity to spent time with your friends. If the game is over you should visit a pub with them. That will bring your afternoon to a delightful end.