pardon any disrespect, but i assume that as humans you all make mistakes too. have you ever made a mistake that a sub got hurt a little that wasn't your intention? when i say a little i mean a bump or bruise because maybe they fell down while playing? and i don't mean like you knocked someone so hard they fell and hit their cheek on the bed post, more like oops should have seen that before it happened. note to self...?

if W/we had a video running at the moment i would be on You tube right now with lots of people laughing their asses off at me, as i did myself at the time. it was a simple mistake of me being disoriented due to a blindfold and misunderstanding a command and boom i fell right off the bed.
i banged my elbow and knee that was it nothing more. He is very upset, very. He felt that He let me down and wasn't taking proper care of me.

He is very careful with me and has been very good about noticing things that i have been unable to communicate, or just simply hadn't noticed. He has me for a novice sub and a klutz to begin with and He has been amazing. i read here about things doms do that are just dangerous and W/we even joke about some things other doms can do with their subs, but as i am a complete spaz its probably not a good idea.

am i wrong or do mistakes happen, learn the lesson and move forward. i was only the recipient of a boo boo or 2 and thankfully no one had to undo the wrist cuffs or garters and dress me to call 911 never mind explain the very red ass i had at the moment? thanks in advance and again no disrespect