ok, i will try to ask this clearly and not too vague or tangential, no promises.
pardon my ignorance
when a D/s couple live together and decide on it being 24/7 how does that translate for people who have kids, jobs? ya know Life!
what are the ways people have used to foster this part of their relationships whether it be training, play, punishment, tasks...whatever?
How is it dealt with when either party is going through things, no matter what that make it difficult for one to be all they can be so to speak with the other? ex a cranky sub whose going through things, a distracted Master with work issues, idk anything could fit the list.
how is it defined as different from TPE also? or is it?

Master and i are finding O/our way through life as a soon to be married couple living as a D/s couple. W/we began by playing and its morphing as time goes by. i have never been in a bdsm relationship before and He only had "play" time. W/we are learning about eachother and this way of life as W/we go and everyones experiences here help me quite a bit in understanding myself and what i going through. thanks for your help in advance