I don't know how many of you have been following this story, but the Virginia legislature and several other state legislatures have been trying to pass a bill into law in their states that makes a fertilized human egg (embryo) a person. This carries the consequence of making abortion murder. Which, without using the exact terms, makes abortion illegal. Um. HELLO! Roe v Wade anyone? You know. That case from the '70s where the U.S. Supreme Court told the state of Texas that they can't make abortion illegal. Anyone? Anyone? Oh, and let's not forget what ELSE the Virginia legislature is doing! They're basically attempting to legalize governmental RAPE. They're trying to make a law that forces a woman who wants an abortion to under go an UNNECESSARY TRANSVAGINAL ULTRASOUND. Now, let's break down what this means. It means that if a woman wants to get an abortion, for ANY reason, she will be REQUIRED by LAW to allow a doctor, whether the doctor thinks it's necessary or not, to INSERT a medical device into her VAGINA to get ab UNNECESSARY ultrasound done. The woman has no choice in the matter. The doctor has no choice in the matter. This is an attempt to sanction governmental rape. Plain and simple. And who runs the Virginia legislature? Say it with me. REPUBLICANS. The same people who are trying to say that NOT having CONTRACEPTION will cause the rate of premarital pregnancies to DECREASE. Ummm...HELLO!