I'd like to try some suction cups on my wife's nipples.

What I'm thinking of using are the end caps from a snake bite kit. You can find these little kits at Wal-mart in the camping section; they have two yellow, rubber-like cups that contain a smaller-diameter suction cup and various medicinals. It costs just a couple of bucks.

I test everything on myself -- as best as I can -- before using "things" on my wife. They pull very strongly on my nipples, engorging them with blood in a couple minutes.

My wife's breasts are, of course, somewhat more sensitive and softer than my own; given how senstive her nipples are, I suspect these cups will need to be applied with limited pressure. My hope it to make her nipples even *more* sensitive than usual... she *really* gets off on having her nipples played with.

Anyone have experiences, pro or con, with using these?