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The Making of a Classy Whore - Tasks

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Why assign tasks?

The first and foremost reason is to connect with the whore over whatever distance may divide you. Without the everyday person to person interaction that is prevalent in non-distant relationships, it is difficult for many people to remain focused on the relationship itself. A distant partner is to easily pushed down in the priority chain as day to day events intrude and demand attention on their own. By assigning tasks, the Owner requires commitment from the whore to execute the tasks and ultimately to report the successful or unsuccessful completion of the task. The Owner assumes the responsibility of attending to the assignment of the tasks and to the followup review of the report from the whore. These responsibilities work to keep both the owner and the whore connected physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Tasks should not be assigned randomly. They should be directed at a purpose or goal and this should be fully understood by the whore before she ever undertakes the task. If there are any questions as to why the task was designed and assigned, they must be answered fully.

Tasks should be carefully crafted in such a way that the whore cannot simply"skate" through the assignment, nor should they be so difficult, intensive or complicated that the whore has so small a chance of completing the task that failure is the expected outcome. Task should NEVER be designed to cause failure. This creates an atmosphere of distrust and discontent.

Tasks should be explicit in their instructions and the expectations. The whore should be able to easily understand exactly what she is required to perform and exactly what constitutes successful completion of the task. In the case of recurring tasks, the task should state plainly what frequency and duration is expected. In other words, how often is the task to be preformed, how long should the task require to complete and when is the task to be performed.

Tasks should have variety. Remember that boredom is the biggest killer in most relationships. Try to include a variety of tasks that keep the intensity and interest in the relationship alive. Avoid repetitive, simple tasks that do not challenge the whore or fail to keep her attention focused.

Good tasks require imagination, planning, and followup. As with any plan, they should be constantly monitored and modified when necessary, especially repetitive tasks. Do not fall into the trap of assigning tasks and then failing to followup on their progress and success. This is an indication to the whore that your attention is not fully on her and that she has slipped down in your priority chain.



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