Quote Originally Posted by kalitat View Post
I've been a RN and bodyworker for 16yrs now. Personally and clientwise I find there is a certain gift that comes with abuse, the gift of awareness, a kind of knowing. It's also been labeled by some as hypersensitive or hypervigellence. (I'm not going to use the word psychic because I hate it).

Early on it was a defense mechanism as I remember being a child of 5 of laying in bed and knowing where everyone in the house and what they were feeling especially my father and abuser. As I grew older, I became very empathetic overly so to the extent where I drove myself to exhaustion trying to help and please everyone. To me it was a form of self abuse.

As I said I am now a RN and intuitive bodyworker. I specialize in survivors of abuse. I've heard many stories of the same sorts of awareness and wanted to throw it out on the floor for comment.
Kalitat LOVE YOU!!!