Well there are people who are only play-partners ... they're probably friends and it's not like these people are having sex or in a relationship with each other. It's like "I'll play with this person because I know them/trust them and they know what they're doing etc." and this is what I see at play parties.

Personally I don't like to play with someone unless I'm in a relationship with them because D/s is such an emotional thing for me. I love to watch my Dom play with other people ^_^ I pull up a chair and grab some food and watch hehehe. Maybe it's just my local kink community but people here know each other well from munches and stuff and when we see each other at play parties, there's not much awkwardness to go up to someone and say "hey, I like your play style, wanna play with me?" Playing doesn't = sex especially since my local kink community hosts half our parties at a location which prohibits sex.

I believe there's a difference between play partners and 'people I've played with' ... like my Dom has played with this one subbie boy we both are friends with on several occasions at play parties but we wouldn't call him a 'play partner'

brwneydgirl maybe your Dom just has 6 subs that he enjoys playing with and it's not really a matter of 'making time' for all of them but having a list of people he's comfortable dominating.