Quote Originally Posted by Thorne View Post
Now this I can go along with. All aspects of politics should be transparent. After all, they are supposed to be representing us, the people.
they tried that in Kalifornia, oult here on the left coast. in the 70's they publicly passed a law for openness and disclosure, much to the joy of the citizens, then quietly went around and passed exceptions for themselves (politicians, and their doners). no outcry from the media, since most of the doners in CA for the left leaning politicians, are supporters of the left. Had they been conservitave there would have been a never ending front page outcry, for years if necessary. Politicians want a standard for themselves and a different standard for those who disagree with them, and the people who elect them. I guess that's one of the reasons I so love the conservative media we are seeing today. It did not exist at all when I was growing up, and now, whether you agree with them or not, most people admitt that it is good to have a discourse in politics. Another reason I love the Blog Sphere so much. Everything is out there, and no one party or ideology can control it, like the media was controlled by the left when I was young.