Personally I think that war is insanity, but that is btw. Here is my vent, and thank you for reading:

At the start and during a war you see the parades and hear the talk about our brave soldiers, and you see military funerals on TV with more talk about our heroes who died for their country/for democracy and all good things.

But what about the survivors? The people who come home mutilated in mind and body? Do they get pensions, treatment, help?

Not bloody likely! They are to a great extent left to struggle on as they best can, and not only that, they do not exist in the public eye!

So, if you die, you are good PR. If you loose arms or legs, you are an embarresment and you are keept invisible, as if your sacrifices do not matter at all!

Sorry, I just needed to get just a bit of my anger out of my system.