A question to all you wonderful sub women.

If you took bondage, bdsm the paraphernalia that goes with it and titles such as Master and slave out of the equation would you're sexual fantasies be that much different than most of you're vanilla friends??

When I have asked my straight vanilla female friends about their fantasies most of them explain a scenario where a tall dark and handsome masterful stranger carries them off to ravage their helpless bodies.

To be rendered helpless and fucked senseless by an attractive stranger is by far the most popular fantasy.

It seems to me that most women are deep down sexually submissive they just don't pursue their fantasies or elaborate on them with all the trappings of bdsm but essentially they are submissive.

Of course there are the boring fantasies that many women talk about.

One friend said to me her fantasy was having sex with her current boyfriend in a room with mirrors on the ceiling and another with a stranger in a thunderstorm very very pedestrian me thinks.

It's almost like these girls get turned on by interior design and weather systems.

And you think I'm strange