Hello Everyone,

I just registered to bdsmlibrary.com and have been following a few of the forums. First, let me introduce myself, I’m a working documentary artist interested in SM and DS. Not only as a lifestyle but also as an art form. To be perfectly honest I am beginning to come to terms with my own sexual identity and being able to express it.

Luckily enough the BDSM community is immensely helpful and supportive. Ok, second, as I already mentioned I am a documentary artist. As an artist I need to be able to understand my enviroment and surroundings through my craft. I’ve been doing some research (not enough) on the lifestyle in general and have been craving to make a documentary about the BDSM lifestyle. Especially now a days where sexuality, and anything attached to it, is seen through a puritan point of view (specifically America).

I guess my question to everyone is: what do you not see or would like to see be discussed in a documentary about BDSM? I would really love to hear people’s opinion. Thank You !