I'm fiosreach and I've been lurking around the forums here for a few weeks now. (I even popped up in chat once, mostly going "Aagh! Chat is scary!")

I'm 24, female, submissive, from Ireland, (so now nobody needs to bother looking at my profile,) and I buck the trend by being shyer on the internet than I am in real life, so you can imagine how long this is taking me to write!

I stumbled across BDSM through fan fiction originally, and I've been gradually becoming more and more drawn to the idea the last four years or so, to the point where I was at a party at a friend's house a couple of months ago and there was this guy... He had me at the words "I'm basically a dom."

So I'm seeing him casually at the moment, though I'm still not much more experienced than I was sitting at home reading fanfic, for various reasons. But what I have experienced is enough to quell any doubts that the reality wouldn't be as good as the fanfic made it seem, so I figured it's a good time to de-lurk and maybe stay de-lurked, get to know people here.

Man this is long! I'm gonna post it before I chicken out, so hi, and thanks for reading this!