A Submissive is.....

....Not a doormat to be walked upon, used and discarded
....Not repressed in any manner
....Not taken and ordered - she is Accepted and Gives freely
....Not demanded, she is commanded and obeys willingly as is her deep desire to do so
....Not without intelligence - Submissive does not equal stupid
....Not a whore, nor treated like one
....Not without her own thoughts and ideas
....Not without her own wants and needs

A Submissive is.....

....confident of her nature
....honest in all she does
....unquestionably honourable in her reflection of her Master
....empowered in the journey on her path of discovery
....unendingling loyal and extremely devoted to the One who can release her within
....worth a great powerful love from the Master she chooses
....deeply passionate and gives her Master all of her darkest desires so He may fulfill them in His safety, in trust, in unconditional love
....revered, cherished, respected and honoured always by the love, care and protection she is shown by her Master

A Submissive is given all of this in return for her submission, complete trust, devotion and love of her Master always

*just a post*