If I'd put it in words,
would it make things clear?
Will they understand ever,
the pain, threat and fear?

"Oh! Perish the day I was born."
For the happiness of it,
was but an error, a mistake
Perhaps there were,
but two roads, one to take.

Try now I to walk back,
the weary way I once trode

Perhaps if I'd taken the road,
the other road. Acceptance best?
my soul arrest,
I'll wait...
Years if it were,
for that soothing lullaby,
that once put me to sleep,
com think a while before I made a step, the one I turned a deaf ear to...

Now, as I rest my head...
the softness covering solid rock,
and the snow,
could shed me a few tears,
as I go back to whence,
the road split, it wasn't yesterday
nor the day before,
long gone, but never forgotten
The fear, the blame, the sweat...
I'd be warm in the cold,
for thoughts can be much colder,
and all at once, my mind arrest...
my skin peels off,
my eyes melt away,
and my heart ablaze, that lullaby...
my senses weaken,
lying on the soft blue grass.
my sight dimnishing, but I could hold
Quavered my mind, returns my senses,
seeing the soothe turn to skin?

Speechless, but I could tell,
the feeling, my head on your lap it rests.
Lone was I, but you were lonlier...
How could I have not seen,
through, that serene smile,
even worse a way u strode...

And now, I stand firm...not bold, not afraid
and believe...that
All the pain in this world won't stop us now
For we have each other
All the hate in this world can't tear us apart
This love is forever.