I sat in my car across the street from the Rainbow Lounge ,like I had done many nights before ,trying to work up enough nerve to go in.I had been told it was a gay bar ,but only women went to it.I had wanted to go in and see what it was all about .Ever since my encounter with a girl at college I had dreamed about getting together with another woman .
I was about to leave again when a car pulled in front of me ,blocking my way out .Before I gathered my wits about me ,two women were walking across the street and into the bar .
I took this as an omen and walked over and into the lounge .Itwas rather dark ,women were sitting at booths and tables .There was a dance floor with a few couples dancing .I sat at the bar ,being very self consious about the little short skirt i was wearing considering evry body else were in pants and jeans.The bartender came over ,smiled and asked what i wanted ,A beer I guess ,it looked like a beer crowd .I watched the room in the mirror behind the bar ,saw her walking my way and sitting on the stool next to me.
She said hi , said her name was stel ,short for stella. Im lynn i replied .We made small talk for a while ,when she said she had to tinkle butnot to go away.
The bartender came and said ,I dont want to interfere ,but your new here ,You might think twice about stel ,she has a reputation of being real mean ,so just a word to the wise.I dint know fully what she meant but i had been dreaming about being used by a domme ,the kind i had read about in some bdsm sites.
Stel came back ,aske me if I liked to dance ,I nodded yes ,she took my arm ,led me to the floor .It was a slow number ,she pulled me to her holding me tight .I almost fainted ,it felt so good to be held by her .WE finished the dance when there was a crash of bottles and loud voices.Stel took my arm ,time to get out of here she said.We walked out ,how about if we go to my place she asked.I said my car was blocked in .No prob ,we'll take mine andget yours later.We got to her car ,she turned me around and kissed me with such passion that my knees went weak.She nibbled on my lip ,I moaned when she bite harder .
She smiled ,I think were going to have a real good time ,you and I.I sat in the car remembering what the bartender had said ,as i felt her hand slide up my thigh