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    Post The dungeon visit

    Master enjoys his slave's writing skills and asked her to write a fantasy. Here is one of her favorites:

    There is a fetish club in town that this slave is sometimes ordered to go to by Master. Because Master lives far from his slave he sometimes sends her there with scenarios outlined for the club’s Dungeonmaster to put this slave through. The way this occurs is Master mails his slave a letter which she then takes (still unopened) with her to the club and hands it to the Dungeonmaster.

    On this particular occasion, she was instructed to go to the club on Saturday. She received Master’s letter on Friday and was very excited. Master told her this time the visit would be very special. Saturday morning she took a long hot bath and thought about the upcoming visit to the club. She glanced over at the bathroom counter and saw Master’s sealed letter sitting there. She was so curious and was almost tempted to open it but her Master had ordered her to NEVER open the letters that were meant for the Dungeonmaster. She wondered what Master had planned for her. Over the course of time, the scenes that Master had outlined for the Dungeonmaster had kept pushing her limits of endurance. She could hardly wait for the evening to begin.

    At promptly 8pm, she arrived at the club with her toy chest in tow. As always, she was to bring her toys with her and tonight was no exception. She stepped inside the entrance and nodded to the club Mistress. She was now a familiar face at the club and the Mistress waved her into the dungeon area. The slave opened the door leading to the dungeon and immediately felt at ease. The heavy wooden bondage furniture created an air of anticipation yet exuded a feeling of warmth. The dungeonmaster looked up when she walked in and strode directly to her. He was taller than she and as always; her eyes automatically went to the floor in deference to his power. He wordlessly held out his hand and she silently placed her Master’s sealed note into the Dungeonmaster’s hand. He opened the letter and read the note. She looked up, startled when she heard him chuckle. His look held a spark of humor and he smiled at her. She felt her face grow hot with embarrassment and she quickly lowered her gaze back to the floor.

    “Stand here and don’t move,” said the Dungeonmaster.

    “Yes Sir” said the slave.

    He took her toy chest and walked away, leaving her standing there. She heard him set down the bag and within moments, he had returned to her side.

    “Strip” he commanded.

    She raised startled eyes to his. Always before, she had simply raised her top to expose breasts, skirt raised and panties lowered to expose her bottom, but never before had she been told to strip. She hesitated.

    “STRIP” he commanded in a much louder, harsher tone.

    Jumping in alarm she obeyed immediately, removing her clothing and setting everything aside.

    “Stand here and don’t move,” said the Dungeonmaster.

    “Yes Sir” she said.

    She watched as he gathered her clothing and took it away. He walked behind her and she heard him open the large chest that was used as a sensory deprivation confinement chamber. There was a thud, and a series of clicks. She feared her clothing had been locked away. She stood still, shaking slightly as she listened for a hint of what he was doing. Her hands were grasped and pulled behind her back. She felt his hands buckling cuffs on her and then within moments, they were linked. To her surprise, he buckled restraints around her upper arms and then after pulling her arms closer together behind her, linked those as well. Her breathing quickened. The dungeonmaster then pressed downward on her shoulders, making her kneel. She awkwardly switched herself to a kneeling position. The man was still standing behind her and now she felt him gathering her hair at the back of her neck.

    “Close your eyes” he commanded.

    She closed her eyes and flinched when she felt the leather hood slip over her face. Everyone who came to the club had to furnish their own toys. She didn’t bring the hood and wondered if it belonged to the Dungeonmaster. It settled onto her and then he was fixing the back of it, smoothing a flap down and then lacing it tightly shut. She could still feel air movement against her closed eyelids, but the hood pressed against her nose. Her lips also felt the air moving. She surmised that there were eyeholes and an opening for the mouth. Her head was tugged this way and that as he finished lacing it. Suddenly, she felt pressure against her eyelids and then hands at the sides of her head. He was buckling on a padded blindfold. A whimper of surprise escaped her lips. She had never been blindfolded in the club before.

    “Open your mouth” the dungeonmaster commanded.

    With a small moan, she opened her mouth wide. A thick leather plug entered her mouth and was quickly buckled on. She could only breath through her nose now and panicked slightly until she realized there were nose holes in the hood. The Dungeonmaster wrapped a thick collar around her neck and then clipped something to it. He tugged and pulled her forward and she slowly and awkwardly stumbled forward on her knees until she felt fingers press lightly on her forehead, stopping her. Cold chain links brushed against her upper back and then she felt ankle cuffs being buckled on. She caught her breath as she felt thigh restraints being added. She was pressed downward by her shoulders again and sank down so that she was sitting in a kneeling position. She could hear a series of snaps and felt some tugging on the thigh restraints. She waited, but nothing else happened. She sat there for some time, and when she started to feel stiff, tried to shift position a bit. She started to raise herself up to her knees again and was stopped short. Her ankle cuffs were attached to her thigh restraints! She was stuck until the Dungeonmaster released her.

    She wondered what was happening in the room. She could hear the murmur of voices coming from various places. She heard the occasional slap, the snap of the crop against flesh, the moan and cry of other subs. She fidgeted slightly and wished something would happen to her.

    The lightest of feather touches made her whimper in surprise. It felt as if a fingertip had brushed against her nipple. Her breathing quickened and she turned her head this way and that. The touch came again, this time on the other nipple. She groaned and arched her back. She waited, but nothing else happened. Just as she started to relax again she felt someone behind her. The person behind her was kneeling and reached around her to use her breasts as handles to pull her roughly back against his hard body. She knew the person was a man. She could feel his hard cock behind his jeans, pressing between her shoulder blades. The hands at her breasts squeezed hard, and then gently kneaded them. The fingers gripped her nipples and started to pinch them causing her to groan loudly. The pinch increased and then he began to pull as well, tugging her upward as if he was trying to raise her up by her nipples. She tried to comply and wanted to raise herself up to her knees but she was bound in the sitting position. Just as she started to cry out from the delicious pain, he let go. The fingertips then gently brushed over her nipples as if he wanted to feel the hard peaks. She felt hot breath on her left shoulder and she held her breath in anticipation.

    “Hello painslut” she heard her Master’s voice in her left ear.

    Her heart leapt into her throat! Her body immediately started quivering from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. This man who had been teasing her was Master! She started to hyperventilate and tears were in her eyes. She was so happy he was here, but she wanted to be able to see him. She wanted to see that face that she had seen only during their cam sessions. She wanted to throw herself down at his feet and kiss his boots. She wanted to be able to present herself in the submissive position he had taught her, but she could do nothing until he allowed it.

    “Calm down slave” she heard him say, and realized she had been whimpering loudly during her hyperventilating.

    With effort she slowed her breathing and focused her mind on him. She wanted to savor every moment they had for this. She felt the chain links raise away from her upper back and then heard him say, “Turn toward my voice”

    She shuffled around as best she could until she thought she was facing him.

    “Good” he said and she could feel her face flush as pleasure sparked along her nerve endings. It was amazing to her how that one single word from him caused such a reaction. It had always done that during their cam sessions, but live it was like an electric spark sizzling through her.

    She felt him nudging her knees apart with booted feet and she hurried to comply, spreading her knees as far apart as she could. She then felt (and sensed) him go down on one knee between her thighs. His upper thigh pressed into her pussy mound as he reached behind her to tug her wrists downward. She arched her back as he fastened her wrists back to something. He stood back up and she was left in her kneeling sit, knees spread, wrists pulled down and fastened so that she had to arch her back as if presenting her torso and pussy to him. She then felt his fingers at the top of her head and felt a tug there. Her head was pulled back until her face was looking straight up toward the ceiling. She experimentally tried to move her head and found she could not bring her head back up although she could turn it slightly side to side.

    His fingers pinched her nipples again and this time, knowing whom it was made it possible for her to take much rougher treatment before she started to cry out. He pinched and pulled, twisting until she moaned loudly. She heard the rustling sound of a plastic bag and then felt a clothespin on her left breast. He continued to apply clothespins, and the bite and burn in her breasts increased until she was grunting lightly.

    The flogger began to strike her, the lashes striping her belly, her hips, her pussy mound, her thighs. She shuddered and shook in her arched position, wishing she could see his face as he applied the whip. He occasionally let the tips of the lashes strum across the clothespins, causing her to arch harder and squeal behind the gag. He stopped and she waited to see what would happen next. Her hips bucked lightly when she felt his fingers brush her pussy lips. He slowly parted her lips and ran his finger through the wetness. She smelled her own arousal and knew then that he held his moistened finger under her nose. She felt her face flush with embarrassment at how easily she became aroused. She groaned loudly when she felt him grasp and tug on her clit. He clipped a clothespin on her clit and she grunted.

    He began to tap her lightly with the cane. Tap, tap, and tap along the top of her left breast, right above the line of clothespins. She breathed deeply and slowly, knowing that he was going to strike her there. The blow, when it did come, was quick and hard; the tingling sting remaining as he moved to tap her other breast. He left those stinging stripes all over her exposed front. She was so aroused at this point she would have been begging him for an orgasm if she had not been gagged.

    She felt the tip of a crop rest against the inside of her right thigh. It rubbed lightly and then was brought down quickly and firmly, leaving a sting in it’s place. He cropped her front as thoroughly as he had caned it, and then she felt the crop dance lightly across the ends of the clothespins, waking the burn that they had created. He struck one clothespin lightly, enough to make her body shudder. He struck it again, hard enough to make it pop off. She cried out behind the gag. He moved down the row of clothespins, striking each one off. As he moved along, she became accustomed to the stinging burn created by it and could feel the heat spread throughout her body. She panicked when she felt him tapping the crop against the clothespin on her clit. He tapped it a few times and then struck it hard, resulting in a muffled scream. The clothespin did not come off. He struck it again, and again, finally making the clothespin pop off. She screamed at each strike and was now crying beneath the hood. Curiously though, she was aroused beyond reason. She felt his fingers touch at her pussy again, feeling the slick folds of her. She heard his low chuckle.

    “Yes, you certainly are my little painslut, aren’t you?” he said, seemingly speaking to himself as his fingers manipulated the folds of her sex. Her hips began to grind and she began to beg behind the gag. She felt his knees on the insides of her knees, holding them far apart. His fingers tugged and pulled on her pussy lips, her clit and her nipples. She was gasping and moaning. She begged him to allow her to cum. He pressed two fingers deep inside her and rubbed the heel of his hand against her clit. “You may cum painslut,” her Master said, shocking her to the core. She had been denied for so long that it took her a second to register that he had given her permission. When the realization finally sank in she grunted and her pussy clamped down on his fingers. The wave of orgasmic release flowed through her body and her pussy spasmed, making it seem as if his fingers had grown in size. The heel of his hand against her clit and the fingers of his other hand tugging on her nipples made the orgasm seem to last forever. She tried to clamp her knees shut, but he would not let her. She screamed as her body shuddered and shook. He had to work hard to keep up with the movement of her hips. She strained at all of her bonds as the orgasm went on and on. He finally let her down by easing his hand away from her clit and withdrawing his fingers. He unbuckled her gag and she immediately thanked him. His fingers pressed into her mouth and she sucked them clean.

    He stayed kneeling between her legs and unfastened her ankles from her thighs. He unfastened her hood from whatever had been holding her head back and she thanked him then rotated her neck, working the kinks out of her neck muscles. He got up and pulled her to a standing position. He tugged the chain that was connected to her collar and she moved forward. He led her to a private area and had her kneel once again. She was thrilled to feel him taking the blindfold off. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. They were in a private room with the curtain drawn across the doorway. She looked up at him and quickly drank in the sight of his face before averting her eyes back to the floor. Her Master was wearing jeans, a black t-shirt and black leather biker boots. Dangling from his hand was a multi-stranded flogger.

    “I was very pleased with your performance out there painslut,” he said and she felt that spark of pleasure at his words again. He went on, “as your reward, I have decided to allow you to worship my cock”

    She felt a thrill of sexual pleasure and her eyes shot to his face. He had a smile on his face as he looked down at her. “But first you have to be able to get to it” he said and leaned against the gyno table that was in the room. She scooted forward on her knees and began to unfasten his jeans with her teeth.

    He quickly pushed her face away and reminded her to ask him permission. She momentarily panicked worried that he would now punish her by not allowing this. “Sir, may your slave please help you remove your pants?” she quickly asked before he could rethink his plans.

    “Yes slave, you may” he said, his arms crossed over his chest.

    She again leaned forward and began to work on unfastening his jeans and lowering his zipper. It took her a few tries on the button; the zipper was easier to do. She then began to tug them downward, moving from one side to the next, until she realized that by leaning against the gyno table he was keeping his jeans up around his hips. “Master, will you allow this slave to lower your jeans?” she asked, and he chuckled and stood upright. She quickly lowered his jeans, working them down over his hips until she began to see his cock slowly being revealed. She groaned as she lowered them further and further, until his hard cock popped up and hit the side of her face. She began to turn her head to take it into her mouth before she remembered her manners.

    “Master, may this slave worship your cock?” she asked as she stared at the head of it, the drop of pearly pre-cum sitting at its tip. Her heart was thudding in her chest. She had dreamed of this moment so many times that she was drinking in the sights and sensations like dying man would with an oasis in the desert.

    “Yes slave, you may,” he said and she leaned forward to lick the pre-cum from the tip. The flavor made her moan, and she took the head of his cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, sucking gently. Emboldened by his soft moan, she slid her lips further over it moving her tongue over its firm length. She slowly engulfed it until her nose was pressed into the short curly hairs surrounding his shaft. She swallowed as she held him deep in her throat, so that he could feel her throat contract around the tip of his cock. She heard him hiss and smiled around his cock. She was thrilled that she was bringing him sexual pleasure. She slowly slid his cock out of her mouth, sucking as she did it. The moment his cock popped free of her mouth, she said, “Master, does this slave have permission to worship your balls as well?”

    His reply, “Yes slave, you do,” sounded strained and she quickly looked up to see his jaw was tight and he was looking at her with hooded eyes. His arms looked relaxed though and she resumed her worship of his body. She leaned forward and licked his left testicle, lifting it with her tongue and gently pulling it into her mouth. She sucked lightly and rolled it in her mouth, then moved to the other testicle to give it the same loving treatment. She could feel the strain in his thigh muscles as they brushed against her body. She moved her mouth back to his cock, licking the length of it, feeling each vein beneath the tip of her tongue. He pushed her head away and she whimpered but settled down as she felt him buckling something onto the hood on each side of her mouth. He then leaned back against the gyno table again and commanded her to resume. She sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth and swallowed the length of him. She felt his hand on each side of her head and suddenly, her head was being pulled onto his cock with force. She could see the looped handles on either side of her face and he was gripping them, pulling. He began to roughly face fuck her. She could feel her juices flowing. Her eyes watered as the cock being held deep in her throat cut off her breathing. She swallowed reflexively and kicked her feet against the floor in a plea for air. He held her there a moment longer and then allowed her to back off and take a gulp of air through her nose. He pulled her face onto his cock again and she heard him groan as she coughed and gagged. She was beginning to drool now and he shoved her face away. He leaned over her head and she felt his fingers at the back of the hood, unlacing it. He pulled the hood off of her and then grabbed her hair and used that as a handle as he face fucked her. He shoved his cock so deep that her throat spasmed and copious amounts of drool seeped out to drip from her chin. The groans he was emitting thrilled her to the core and she moaned when he pulled out and came all over her face. She felt the hot spurts on her eyelids, across her nose and on her right cheek. She thought she even felt some land in her hair. She was panting and thoroughly aroused again.

    “Very nice painslut” was the praise he gave her and then he gripped her hair and forced her head to the floor, making her raise her ass high and spread her knees to keep her balance. She felt him lube up her ass and then a plug was entering her, spreading her open. She groaned and moved slightly, prompting him to press a booted foot against the back of her head to hold her in place. She squealed as he inflated the plug, making her feel full. He removed his foot from her head and pulled her upright. He led her back out into the dungeon and made her kneel next to a ring in the wall. Tying off her leash with a very short length, he left her there and joined the other dominants in a discussion at the bar. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. She watched him hungrily, enjoying each moment, relishing the sight of him as he laughed and chatted with the others. She now thoroughly felt like his toy, waiting for his attentions. He chatted for while and wandered over to give the bulb on her inflatable plug a couple more pumps. She groaned and thanked him, then watched him wander off to whip another Dom’s sub. He moved about the room, socializing and having fun while she waited patiently.

    He returned to her to unfasten her leash from the wall and lead her to the suspension frame. He clamped her nipples and tied a rope to the chain on the clamps. He strung the rope through a ring in the middle of the suspension frame and pulled her upright by the chain until she was unable to stand flat-footed. She was slightly on her toes. He moved behind her and unfastened her arms, only to have her fold her arms in half and he tied them that way with ropes. One of the other Doms he had been talking to moved to stand behind her. He was holding a flogger. Master stepped in front of her with his flogger. The two of them began to whip her, lightly at first but slowly building up in strength. She began to dance on her toes, gasping and grunting. She twisted this way and that; their whips struck her everywhere. She could feel another orgasm building and began to gasp out and beg to cum.

    “No” she heard Master’s answer.

    The whips continued, driving her closer and closer to disobeying him with an orgasm. She began to panic and beg harder.

    “No” he replied.

    What pushed her over the edge was Master’s whip landing on her pussy, striking her clit. Her orgasm hit hard, her ass clamping down on the plug. Her knees began to buckle, causing the clamps to slide off her nipples with an audible SNAP. She screamed as her Master stepped forward and caught her before she could fall. She immediately began to beg for forgiveness for disobeying him. His hand grasped her hair and he pulled her head roughly back.

    “Did I tell you that you could cum?” he growled into her ear.

    “No Sir, your slave is very sorry Sir!” she cried out even as her body shuddered and shook with orgasmic aftershocks.

    “No, I did not; and for that you will be punished” he said and he bit her neck just under her ear. She groaned and felt her body’s instant response to him, practically swooning in his arms. He sighed and pressed her back to her knees. He made her lean forward until she was on elbows and knees. Her folded arms serving to be her front supports and once he was on her knees and elbows he folded her legs and bound them like that. She was now stuck in this position. He gave her plug a couple more pumps until it was as large as it could get. She squealed in alarm and thanked him, now feeling so full that she strained against trying to push it out. He applied single clamps to each nipple and hung weights from them; he applied clamps to her pussy lips and hung weights from them. A clamp went on her clit with weights from that. Each time he did something else, she gasped and thanked him. He put a belt around her waist and then created a hair tie at the top of her head. Her head was pulled back and she felt him tie off the hair tie rope to the waist belt. She was now on display as a bad, naughty, punished slave. He invited the other dominants to take turns striking her with a crop, which they did with relish. Whenever the crop was not in use, the tip of it was slid under her waist belt and there it waited for the next Dom to apply it. All of the clamps were quite painful with the weights on them. She was in that position for a while before she heard her Master ask some of the Doms for help. She heard some whispering and then rustling as five Doms knelt around her. She felt all of the clamps move simultaneously and then suddenly, all five were removed at the same time. She surged in her bound position and felt hands steady her as she screamed. The blood rushed back into her tortured flesh and she trembled and shook.

    Master then left her there, plugged until it was time to leave. He bundled her into her car with a kiss on the cheek, saying that he had to get back to his hotel room. He was in town for a convention and had to be at a class early the next day. W/we said our goodbyes and each drove away, relishing the time W/we had spent together.
    Last edited by painslut4him; 10-05-2008 at 09:23 AM.

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