The last guy I was seeing - my heart is still bruised, but no longer broken - had met a woman, and as they were talking she told him that she found it easy to manipulate men but wished for a man to take control. So of course he told her she was submissive and another woman was converted to the cause.

But it got me thinking, and as I'm corresponding with the drizzle of men who've responded to my various postings, I do find that some are very easy to manipulate. Not that I do it on purpose, it's more like flirting, but it's just easy to tell what they want to hear to bring them back for more. And, in fact, I don't like it. Or rather, I like it but it doesn't make the man attractive to me. I like it when they bring me back for more. And, interestingly, I know when they're doing it, it's not a secret, and I still like it. Maybe I like to be hungry?

Anyway, just a comment.