I have a few questions for those of you who are parents out there-

What are some particular speedbumps you've hit in this area due to being a parent?

Do your children know about your interests?

If you had a choice would you mind one way or the other if your children were into BDSM when they got older? (Not with you, let's leave any incest out on this one please.)

In the community how protective are you when it comes to identifying yourself as a parent/talking about your kids? Do you ever worry about that whole "online" aspect here?

If you are a sub, do you see raising your children as another act of being a good sub to your partner or do you take a different position/differentiate? Please describe your views of your position as a mother/father vs your position as a sub.

If you are a dom, do you find your parenting style to be authoritarian? Please describe the differences in your treatment of your child vs your partner.

Feel free to add any general thoughts you have on the topic, even if it isn't an answer to one of these Q's.