The Latina Queenz had finally finished their humiliating torment of their young victim. And Ms.Brody was finally able to enter the high school newspaper office. Her jaw dropped in horror at what she saw. There was Alex Konvissar, the editor, butt naked. He was entirely drenched in black ink from head to toe. He was tied across the publishing press which had been turned on. His little butt was being repeatedly slapped by the moving conveyor belt.

She cursed herself at what had happened, and the role she had played. She was only 22, and still a physics student at the research center, with her young age she had stupidly treated her students as friends and peers. Newspaper editor after editor had been terrified into stepping down, and the reign of terror continued.

The Latina Queenz had powerful backing and had paid off most of the corrupt school administration. Alex Konvissar was the handsome young star of the baseball team, the first freshman to make varsity. She had seductively played up his manhood and encouraged him to take the editorship position. How selfish it had been of her! But her poor little sister had died of an overdose, from drugs sold by the Latina Queenz. She had wanted revenge so badly that she had ignored poor Alex's safety.

The Latina Queenz had burst into the classroom. Their leader Juanita had held the school newspaper in her hand. It was an expose exposing the school principal as being bought off. "Wheres the rat?" she shouted. The gang of girls quickly centered on Alex. He tried to be brave but he felt his mouth go dry and he could mutter was "please..."
"Shut up!" Miranda shouted
Alex was made to stand on top of Ms.Brody's desk. He looked down at the beautiful young teacher, he had tried so hard to impress with his bravery. Instead of being her knight in shining armor, he was now dancing on top of her desk as the girls chanted. One of the girls was shooting BB gun pellets in his direction. She had deliberately missed so far, but the message was clear: dance sexier. Alex finally removed his shirt, revealing his bear chest. The girls all whistled. "Twirl it around!" shouted Linda. Today was a baseball game, and that only made things worse. The players were required to go to class in full uniform on game day. The buttons of his shirt, and then the layer after layer had made things all the more humiliating. And the girls had insisted he keep his cap on all through. Finally came the moment of truth. The whistles, chants and stomps grew umbearably loud. His hands shaking Alex slowly lowered his pants. Laughter broke out across the room as the class was treated to the ridiculous sight of Alex dancing in his plain white briefs. The tiny bulge, suggested they were not covering much."Big man on campus, eh shortstop?" taunted Miranda
Enough said Juanita as she unveiled a dog leash and collar. The collar was placed around his neck and he was led through the halls naked but for his briefs, on all 4s led by a dog leash. His face turned a crimson red as they were led into the gym where the cheerleaders were practicing for the big game in the afternoon. Those were the girls who had chanted A-L-E-X. Now they would see all of him. Juanita ordered the cheerleaders to do their "Alex routine" which had become very familair at the baseball games. As they chanted and rooted him on as though it were a game. Alex's last bit of dignity was removed. Juanita has at first painfully attempted to remove the briefs by pulling them UP! But then mercifully she had yanked them down. The cheerleaders despite the terror of the situation, all burst into hysterical laughter.

He might be on varsity, but he really was a freshman IF that. His tiny package was complimented by his nearly complete hairlessness. Alex was made to join in the cheerleader's routines including the pyramid. His little penis bounced everywhere as he joined the cheerleaders in A-L-E-X. Finally he was led by his leash back into the halls and to the newspaper office. Like a real roast pig, an apple was stuffed in his mouth, straining his jaw. He was thrown hed first into the barrow of ink. The left him for almost a minute. Just as he thought he would drown, the girls pulled him out. He gasped for air. And was then placed on the printing press.

And that was where Ms.Brody had found him. As she hugged the poor boy and have him a towel to cover himself, a plan began to hatch in her mind. Perhaps it was her own desire to avenge her sister, or maybe to get Alex justice, but she wanted the Latina Queenz taken down. And she knew how to do it. A new chemical substance had been created by a Russian scientist at the lab where she worked. Xelum. It had the ability to conform to any organic matter. If placed on a human body it would provide protection and added muscular strength and endurance. Alex was already a great athlete. Perhaps...

One week later, the school newspaper had a very different headline. They had called him Pants-Boy and for good reason. 40 members of the Latina Queenz had been found hanging from the lamp posts, in nothing but bra and panties, hanging precariously by their panties. And the remaining members where warned they were next....


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