Oh yes fettish I agree completely about the online offers of training from random individuals who dont really know didily about each other for real being a bunch of shady types or rather poor pick up attempts, or worse, some kind of lures used by predators.

Not that all such offers are from those with ulterior motivations nessesarally, I just think to be safe a sub should carefully screen perspective dominants. Not to mention other submissive mentors, who imho have way more to offer a new submisive when it comes to these things. Maby thats why the site has the Tasking society and Womb to begin with...hint hint.

I was just pointing out that the training of a submissive or slave need not be considered somthing so personal that it has to be tailored to fit any one dominant for life despite our romantic inclination to think that D/s is all about the monogamous life pairing of a couple, some things are pretty basic and allmost universally applicable.

Plenty of subs/slaves move on in their lives to have other dominants, and others start or are involved in poly arrangments, sometimes including multiple dominants and what they learned for the one, often improves their service to another, as well as improves themselves.

And a well trainned slave/sub will be flexible and willing to learn new tricks and much easier to tailor if any tailoring is even nessesary becuase of his or her's past experience, not the other way around as some seem to think.