Okay, so I was scanning through the radio stations this morning on my way to drop off the 4-year-old prodigy at his preschool and came across a talk-radio program (I think it's a sports-related show) discussing Tiger Woods and his "alleged" activities.

By now, I'm sure we've all had our fill of Tiger crap but this show totally got under my skin. Apparently, there were some old text-messages released recently (within the last few days) that Tiger had sent to one of his women outlining exactly what he liked to do...hair-pulling, holding down, sodomy, biting, slapping, water sports...etc.

The men discussing it were calling him an abuser and called him and the women involved "sick" and were saying that they were completely "repulsed" by this idea and on and on...basically saying that the guy needed to be institutionalized for his proclivities.

I'm not here to get into a philosophical debate over his personal choices in regards to his marriage vows and family values...but, but, but...

Does anybody know how I can get in touch with him?